Mobile Framework : Sencha Touch or jQuery Mobile?

I was interested with mobile web application development, but I too lazy to coding it from beginning, so I searched about html5 mobile frameworks. As I already known, jQuery Mobile, mobile framework from jQuery, the "Code Less Do More" javascript library/framework, is one of them. But again, I found a new kind of mobile framework, called "Sencha Touch". I think they're both excelent, but I must choose one. So, what should I do, and what should you do? 

Markimago : Anchor Bookmark Supported!

Markimago is very useful for images, but how about anchor? I think, we will adding more links to our website rather than images, so now, Markimago already support links bookmark, so same as images, we only write the url once, then we can use it twice. Pretty amazing, right?

Markimago.js | For embed images more easily

What will you do when you embed an image or images to your website? Write the <img /> tag, then write the url on src property, so the tag will be look like <img alt="image" src="imageurl" title="image" /> ? What will you do if you want to give same image in another place in a same page too? You will write the previous code again, write the url again? It's so troublesome!