No Age Limit!

One day (I hate this story beginning style), I want to try the Google+. I open the page but WOOOOPS, I saw a word, that I hate. The word was "This feature is not available for your account, You must be over a certain age to use this feature. Learn more." Oh, I felt so disappointed, but Google didn't care my feeling. Just like other sites that do age restriction. Its like a age discrimination!

I hate this. Many children outside hate this. But who care? We only can wait until we growth to adult. It's not fair. We want to try the features, we want to try the services. But same as I said before, WHO CARE? Oh, it's so painful.

Hmmm, I thinking. I think only 3 ways that we, the poor children, can do. First, we can make the duplicate of the application that not allowed us to use. But it's too difficult. Second, We make application that not allowed adult people to use. But it's too difficult too. And the last, I make a certification or badge or license or something like that which prohibit age limit. I'll call it "NAL - No Age Limitation". And applications that use NAL must remove age limit for their applications.

That is my idea. What do you think?

Twitter: @noAgeLimit


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