Signum Project

Now, I make a new project, Signum. Signum (from Latin "signum" or "image") is a photographer gallery management. I make it with PHP, and distribute under GNU-GPL license. That's just a plan. I don't know if I sale it someday, but I'll make it free.

I still make the framework. I don't know when I can finish it, because I in grade 3 now, and next year I'll got a national exam. So I can't finish it faster. Maybe in several months or next year. To be sure, I'll finish it as soon as possible. Support me!

For the concept, I just make it very simple. There're categories, upload, edit, delete, slideshow view, tags, user manager, search, etc. I make a dark admin interface. Check the login screenshot below!

It's cool, right? Please support me!

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