GitHub Client for Windows: Pretty Good!

I just updated my Markimago.js on GitHub, and when I open my GitHub page, I found a link to GitHub for Windows download page. I clicked it and my guess is true, the official GitHub client for Windows is on the cloud and I can freely download it. It's available for Mac, Eclipse, and Mobile.

The UI looks familiar if you're using Windows 8, it uses MetroUI style, maybe because it's developed in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. The UI is pretty good, easy to understand, and simply beautiful. Here's the screenshots of the homescreen.

I interested with code differentiator  feature. So when you click at the commit history, it will show you the files that have changed. If you click one of them, if it has codes, it will show you the line before changed, which highlighted red, and the line that has changed, which highlighted green. See the screenshot bellow!

Old one and New one
That's all I can said. I recommend this application if you spend most time updating projects on GitHub, it's greater and easier to use than the command-line application. Bye......

Padding Tweaker

I just think, when we create a a padding of an element, that means we have to re-calculates the width so as not to exceed what we want, because adding a padding means adding the width as well. It isn't effective for me. So what should we do to create an effective a padding of an element, without having to re-calculates the width?

Mobile Framework : Sencha Touch or jQuery Mobile?

I was interested with mobile web application development, but I too lazy to coding it from beginning, so I searched about html5 mobile frameworks. As I already known, jQuery Mobile, mobile framework from jQuery, the "Code Less Do More" javascript library/framework, is one of them. But again, I found a new kind of mobile framework, called "Sencha Touch". I think they're both excelent, but I must choose one. So, what should I do, and what should you do? 

Markimago : Anchor Bookmark Supported!

Markimago is very useful for images, but how about anchor? I think, we will adding more links to our website rather than images, so now, Markimago already support links bookmark, so same as images, we only write the url once, then we can use it twice. Pretty amazing, right?

Markimago.js | For embed images more easily

What will you do when you embed an image or images to your website? Write the <img /> tag, then write the url on src property, so the tag will be look like <img alt="image" src="imageurl" title="image" /> ? What will you do if you want to give same image in another place in a same page too? You will write the previous code again, write the url again? It's so troublesome!

Blogging Copy Paste? Cepet Tenar!

Apa sih tema blog lo? Kisah hiduplu (ga minat, sumpah)? Post ga jelas (gw termasuk ga nih)? Atauuu, copy paste dari blog laen? Copy paste? Boleh tuh? Apa serunya? Apa keuntungannya? Simak pendapat gw yang terpapar luas, walaupun ga juga, berikut!

Susah banget nyari template blog yang bagus -_-

Browsing, browsing, browsing. Dari tadi ga beres-beres browsing template yang bagus. Susah banget gitu nyari template blog yang bagus, sesuai sama selera gw. Gw maunya sih yang minimalist, futuristik, beda dari yang laen. Tapi ada yang biasa-biasa aja, layout 2 kolom, header, gambar seabregkan. Ga ada yang bagus

Hobi Baru : Nulis Post NYAMPAH!

Entah kenapa, lagi pengen nulis post nyampah. Entah kenapa, mungkin mengikuti tren 2012, dunia makin ga beraturan, entah memang karena isu kiamat itu bener, kayanya makin aneh aja dunia ini. Tren lah ko post nyampah. Ga ada ide buat nulis hal laen gitu. Gubrag!